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Beyond Meat COO Leaves Company Following Arrest for Assault

Beyond Meat COO Leaves Company Following Arrest for Assault

Chief Operating Officer of Beyond Meat, Doug Ramsey, is leaving the company following his arrest after biting a man’s nose.


We previously reported that Ramsey was arrested last month after a brawl broke out following an Arkansas football game. A man’s vehicle made contact with the front tire of Ramsey’s car which ultimately led to the altercation. Both men got out of their vehicles and Ramsey allegedly started punching the man and eventually bit his nose, “ripping the flesh on the tip of the nose,” according to the arrest report. 


Ramsey was suspended following the arrest and last week, Beyond Meat announced his departure with Friday being his last day of employment. 


Beyond Meat stocks have been trading at record lows and CNN reported that the company would be laying off 200 employees, or 19% of its workforce. 


“This decision was based on cost-reduction initiatives intended to reduce operating expenses, sharpen the company’s focus on a set of key growth priorities, and target cash flow positive operations within the second half of 2023,” Beyond Meat announced.

Streetwise IR business news on Beyond Meat (image of Beyond Burger packaging).
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