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Beyond Meat Stocks Trade at Record Low, COO Arrested

Beyond Meat Stocks Trade at Record Low, COO Arrested

The plant-based meat company, Beyond Meat (NASDAQ:BYND), appears to be in trouble.

They had an epic year in 2020 with retail sales doubling compared to prior years, but the demand for plant-based meat isn’t what it used to be. 

Beyond Meat was even named one of “3 Terrible Stocks to Avoid” by The Motley Fool.

Many people are prioritizing saving money these days due to inflation. Beyond Meat’s products are more expensive per pound than real meat, so perhaps buyers are passing up the meat alternative for that reason.

However, the plant-based meat company made headlines for another reason this week. COO Doug Ramsey was arrested this weekend after allegedly getting into a brawl with another man in an Arkansas parking garage ultimately ending in him biting the other man’s nose. 

According to CNBC, “Ramsey allegedly punched through the back windshield of a Subaru after it made contact with the front tire of Ramsey’s car. The Subaru owner then got out of his car, and Ramsey allegedly started punching him and bit his nose, “ripping the flesh on the tip of the nose,” according to the arrest report. The victim and a witness also alleged that Ramsey told the Subaru owner he would kill him.” 

I do not know if Beyond Meat can recover from this one. 

Beyond Meat news on Bed Bath and Beyond
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