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World Cup Fans are Facing Many Restrictions This Year

World Cup Fans are Facing Many Restrictions This Year

As sports fans prepared for the world’s biggest sporting event, FIFA made the announcement that beer sales would be banned at eight World Cup stadiums in Qatar. 


Former FIFA secretary general, Jerome Valcke, once said “Alcoholic drinks are part of the FIFA World Cup, so we’re going to have them,” according to NPR. So, the news of the 2022 alcoholic ban came as a shock to fans. 


The only fans that will have access to alcohol at matches will be the spectators in the high-end luxury suites. However, fans can enjoy alcohol outside of the stadiums at specially designated gathering spaces or at licensed bars, restaurants and hotels.


According to NPR, the restrictions World Cup fans are facing this year go beyond booze. The organization reported, “Islam is the official religion of Qatar — and anyone found to be proselytizing for other religions or criticizing Islam “may be criminally prosecuted,” the State Department said, in a factsheet about Qatar for World Cup visitors.” 


Additionally, “Speech that’s deemed critical of the Qatari government could trigger an arrest. Those laws apply both to spoken words and social media,” per NPR. It was noted that arguing and insulting others in public could result in arrests, a rule rowdy sports fans might have a hard time abiding by. 


The dress code for public areas in Qatar might be another issue for sports fans. The State Department announced, “Dress codes in many public areas require that “both men and women cover shoulders, chests, stomachs, and knees, and that tight leggings be covered by a long shirt or dress.” 


Read the full, detailed list of restrictions in this NPR article. 

Image of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 logo.
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