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Toblerone to Change Iconic Matterhorn Logo Due to ‘Swissness’ Laws

Toblerone to Change Iconic Matterhorn Logo Due to ‘Swissness’ Laws

Packaging for Toblerone chocolate will no longer display the iconic Matterhorn mountain of Switzerland due to its U.S. owner, Mondelez International, moving some of its production overseas and conflicts with Swiss legislation.


Also, according to CNBC, the company will no longer claim Toblerone is “Swiss chocolate,” instead stating it is “Established in Switzerland in 1908.”


The “Swissness” law affecting Toblerone’s logo was created in 2017 and requires any product using “Swissness” to advertise must meet a certain set of requirements. This law also requires all milk-based products to be made exclusively in the country.


“Lawmakers say it is a way to protect the prestige associated with a Swiss-made product. Marks of “Swissness” can include the flag, references to cities such as Geneva, or in this case the famed mountain in the Alps known for its neat pyramid shape,” CNBC reported.


The new logo will feature a “modernized and streamlined mountain logo that is consistent with the geometric and triangular aesthetic,” the company stated.

Image of Toblerone chocolate bar.
Image courtesy: Lois Lindemann
Maggie Caraway