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The Walgreen’s Walkout: What You Need to Know

The Walgreen’s Walkout: What You Need to Know

Pharmacy employees at some Walgreens locations are planning a walkout between Oct. 9-11. So, what prompted the protest and what does this mean for your local pharmacy?


Employees of the drugstore chain claim harsh working conditions make it difficult to safely fill prescriptions. According to CNN, the series of planned walkouts are a way of demanding change.


The current Walgreens walkouts follow the action some CVS employees took last week at CVS locations in the Kansas City area.


A number of issues contribute to the harsh working conditions employees are citing. Some current issues include staffing shortages, burdensome prescription and vaccination expectations and reduced training hours for new technicians.


“We don’t believe that Walgreens is allowing us to give our patients safe care on a daily basis. Walgreens isn’t responding, they’re not fixing those things,” a pharmacy employee told CNN.


It is possible that your local Walgreens could be affected by the walkouts. A pharmacist told CNN that he expects his pharmacy to close during the planned walkout. Also, he claimed that 13 other Walgreens locations in his state were interested in participating. The state was not specified.


Walgreens has reportedly acknowledged that its employees are overworked and are committed to providing the pharmacy team with support and resources to take care of themselves as well as pharmacy customers.

Image of Walgreens signage.
Maggie Caraway