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Starbucks is Making Changes to its Rewards Program Starting Feb. 13

Starbucks is Making Changes to its Rewards Program Starting Feb. 13

Starbucks announced that changes will be made to its popular rewards program starting on Feb. 13.


Rewards members will now have to spend more money to redeem their points for free items. In other words, free drinks are going to cost more.


Starbucks broke the news to customers in an email detailing the changes. Customers will now have to redeem 100 stars to get a free hot coffee, tea, packaged snack or bakery item, a reward that currently only costs 50 stars.


The number of stars needed for a free handcrafted beverage, or any hot breakfast item will also increase from 150 to 200 stars. Salads, sandwiches or protein boxes all of which currently can be redeemed for 200 stars will be raised to 300, according to Starbucks’ website.


However, not all changes to the program are disappointing. Members will now be able to receive a free iced coffee or tea for 100 stars, a reward that previously required 150. A pump of syrup, espresso shot or alternative milk will continue to be redeemable for 25 stars.


Food & Wine reported that the number of Starbucks has seen a 16% year-over-year increase totaling 28.7 million members.


Restrictions and terms of use can be found on Starbucks’ website.

Close-up image of Starbucks drinks.
Image courtesy: Jaysin Trevino
Maggie Caraway