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Southwest Airlines Cancels More Flights, Still Recovering from Holiday Disaster

Southwest Airlines Cancels More Flights, Still Recovering from Holiday Disaster

A winter storm on Wednesday caused hundreds of flights to be canceled and more than half of them were on Southwest’s schedule.


According to CNN, “As of 10:30 am ET, the cancellations had totaled 482 flights to, from or within the United States.” Southwest made up 235 of those flights.


Although this was an inconvenience for travelers on Wednesday, it barely compares to the absolute disaster that unfolded during the holiday season. Between December 21 and 29, Southwest Airlines was forced to cancel more than 16,700 flights due to massive winter storms that swept across the nation and technology failures.


CNN noted that southern states also suffered bad weather on Tuesday and Wednesday with tornadoes in Texas and Louisiana, but only a few flights were canceled at airports in the South.


It was recently discovered that Southwest Airlines would be reporting a loss for the fourth quarter as the disruptions in December cost the airline between $725 million and $825 million, per CNN.

Image of Southwest Airlines planes at airport.
Image courtesy: Ken Lund
Maggie Caraway