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Snickers and M&M’s Maker Fined After Employees Fall into Tank of Chocolate

Snickers and M&M’s Maker Fined After Employees Fall into Tank of Chocolate

Mars Wrigley is in hot water…or chocolate.


The Snickers and M&M’s maker has been fined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) after two workers fell into a vat of chocolate at one of the company’s factories.


The incident happened in June of last year and carried a fine of more than $14,500, Yahoo Finance reported. OSHA’s report described the accident as “serious.”


The two workers, who were from an outside cleaning service, fell into the half-full tank while cleaning it. According to the report, Mars Wrigley did not provide the workers with the proper safety training or a work authorization permit.


Emergency responders were called to the scene and had to free the workers by cutting a hole in the bottom of the tank and pulling them out. Both of the workers were taken to the hospital, with one transferred by helicopter, Penn Live reported.

Image of Mars Wrigley candies in a bowl.
Maggie Caraway