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Snapchat Makes Updates to Protect Teen Users

Snapchat Makes Updates to Protect Teen Users

Snapchat has made even more updates to further protect the teenage users on its app.


This week, Snapchat announced a new set of features and policies created to better protect teenage users. These updates include new “restrictions on friend suggestions and a new system for removing age-inappropriate content,” according to CNN.


Last year, Snapchat launched a Family Center where parents could find more insight into who their children are communicating with via the app. As part of the new updates, Snapchat announced that a series of YouTube videos would be available for parents to watch to fully understand the new features.


Other protective measures the social media app has taken include now requiring teenage users to have a greater number of mutual friends in common with another user before that account will be displayed in search results. If a teen does add an account with no mutual friends or contacts, Snapchat will send a pop-up warning. These measures were taken to keep teens from adding someone they do not know in real life.

Image of smartphone with Snapchat app icon on screen.
Image courtesy: ThoroughlyReviewed
Maggie Caraway