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Retailers are Trying to Cash In on the Barbie Movie this Summer

Retailers are Trying to Cash In on the Barbie Movie this Summer

Warner Bros’ “Barbie” will hit theaters this Friday and is receiving some serious hype ahead of its release.


Many retailers are taking advantage and trying to cash in on the buzz. Bloomingdale’s flagship store in Manhattan, for example, has installed a life-sized Barbie box and customers can shop for earrings, dresses and candles that are inspired by the movie.


“More than 100 brands, including Bloomingdale’s, Kohl’s, Crocs and Gap have licensing agreements or other deals with toy maker Mattel to sell Barbie-themed fashion, beauty, accessories and more,” CNBC reported. “Many of those items cater to adults who want to channel childhood memories by donning bright pink heels or lounging on a pool floatie that looks it came out of a Barbie dreamhouse.”


Companies are reportedly hoping that new hot pink merchandise mixed with the excitement and anticipation for the Barbie movie release will encourage even cautious spenders to splurge.

Image of Barbie the Movie logo.
Maggie Caraway