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Mars Introduces ‘All-Female’ M&M’s to ‘Celebrate Women Everywhere’

Mars Introduces ‘All-Female’ M&M’s to ‘Celebrate Women Everywhere’

The creator of M&M’s, Mars, announced that an “all-female” candy package will be hitting the shelves starting this month.


The package, which will only include green, brown and purple-colored candies, was created to “celebrate women everywhere.” The wrapper features three women characters shown upside down to display how the company is honoring women who are “flipping the status quo.”


“M&M’s announced its plan to donate $1 for every one of these packages purchased — up to $500,000 to two nonprofit organizations that support women in the music industry: ‘She Is The Music’ and ‘We Are Moving the Needle,’” according to Fox News. Additionally, “The brand will also donate $300,000 to other female-supporting nonprofits which, it stated, are ‘flipping the status quo.’”


The series will come in milk chocolate, peanut and peanut butter flavors and will only be available for a limited time.


Last year, Mars announced that the M&M brand mascots were going to be altered to promote inclusivity and “reflect the more dynamic, progressive world that we live in,” the company said.

Close-up image of M&M candy.
Maggie Caraway