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Luxury Buses: the New Alternative to Flying

Luxury Buses: the New Alternative to Flying

Are you tired of increased flight prices, delays and the stress of flying? Let me introduce you to luxury bus travel. 


Traveling by bus is not what it used to be. Get that stinky, cramped, unpleasant image out of your head. Luxury buses focus on comfort and overnight accommodations, encouraging a restful night’s sleep. 


Luxury bus companies are now making headlines by being comparable to a red-eye flight, minus the annoyances that come along with flying. 


Here are some pros to traveling by bus provided by Charter Bus Service, LuxxPress:

    • The bus is cheaper than flying
    • Buses require less preparation 
    • Occasional stops and breaks 
    • Buses help build community 
    • Buses are more comfortable
    • Environmental Awareness 


Natalie B. Compton of the Washington Post tested out the luxury bus experience for herself and proved this method of travel is not too good to be true. She embarked on the 600-plus-mile journey from Washington, D.C. to Nashville on the Napaway bus, a premium sleeper motor coach service. 


Compton was provided with a suite that held two seats that fold completely flat into a 6.5 foot bed. She was also given “crisp white bedsheets, a full pillow and a huge fluffy blanket,” according to her article.


Compton claimed they arrived in Nashville at 8 a.m., right on time. 


Compton spoke with Napaway’s founder and CEO, Dan Aronov, who said the luxury bus domestic market is expanding. 


Make sure you check out Compton’s Washington Post article about her luxury bus travel experience, photos of her suite and more information about Napaway.

Streetwise IR business news on luxury buses (image of bus interior).
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