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Lunchables is Stepping Up its Brand for the Back-to-School Season

Lunchables is Stepping Up its Brand for the Back-to-School Season

Kraft Heinz, the creator of Lunchables, is making a positive change just in time for the back to school season. The company announced its popular packaged meal will include fresh fruit for the first time.


For now, the latest variety of Lunchables is limited to grocery and convenience stores in the South Central region.


The packaging has also been altered to ensure peak freshness for both the fruit section and the section that holds the meat, cheese and crackers. Vikramjeet Singh, the Vice President of marketing and strategy with Kraft Heinz beverages, snacks and desserts told CNN, “The recommended pricing is $4 to $4.29, about $1 to $2 higher than other Lunchables because of the extra food and the freshness.”


The new Lunchables’ shelf life is only about 10 days compared to 90 to 110 days for other Lunchables that do not contain fresh fruit.


The salt and oil used in the Lunchables crackers was reportedly reduced by close to half in another effort made by the company to improve the nutritional value.

Image of various Lunchables packages.
Image courtesy: Kraft Heinz
Maggie Caraway