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Google is Still “Fun” Amid Cost Cuts

Google is Still “Fun” Amid Cost Cuts

During a company-wide all-hands meeting this week, Google CEO, Sundar Pichai, advised employees not to “equate fun with money.”


Employees were upset and many news outlets described the meeting as “heated” as they discussed recent cost-cutting measures with Sundar Pichai. 


Audio obtained by CNBC revealed that Pichai was hit with intense questions from employees about “cuts related to travel and entertainment budgets, managing productivity and potential layoffs.”


As reported by CNBC, when asked why the company is “nickel-and-diming employees” Pichai responded, “How do I say it? Look, I hope all of you are reading the news, externally. The fact that you know, we are being a bit more responsible through one of the toughest macroeconomic conditions underway in the past decade, I think it’s important that as a company, we pull together to get through moments like this.”


As far as “fun” goes, Pichai believes that the Google workspace can still be enjoyable even amid the cost cuts and certain “fun” things being taken away. 


The head of Google finance, Kristin Reinke, addressed the difficult question of why management is pushing employees to return to the office while simultaneously discouraging travel/connecting in person. She said, “We know there’s a lot of value in being next to your team but we’re just asking simply to be thoughtful and limit your travel and expenses where you can.” She also encouraged employees to keep holiday parties and end-of-year celebrations “small”, “informal” and to “try not to go over the top.”


Check out CNBC for the full breakdown of this heated all-hands meeting.

Streetwise IR business news on Google (close up image of CEO Sundar Pichai)
Sundar Pichai, Chief Executive Officer, Google, USA speaking during the Session "An Insight, An Idea with Sundar Pichai" at the Annual Meeting 2018 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, January 24, 2018. Copyright by World Economic Forum / Manuel Lopez
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