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Elon Musk’s “X” Charges Some New Members an Annual Fee as Part of a Test

Elon Musk’s “X” Charges Some New Members an Annual Fee as Part of a Test

This week, Elon Musk’s platform, X, formerly known as Twitter, announced that a new experiment will be taking place.


New unverified users in New Zealand and the Philippines will be charged $1 as part of an annual fee test. 


“Users will get to post content, like, repost, reply, bookmark, and quote posts for paying that fee. New free users will just get a read-only account to look at posts and follow accounts,” TechCrunch reported. 


According to the company, this test was not designed to drive profits. The experiment is called “Not a Bot” and is designed to “reduce spam, manipulation of the platform, and bot activity.”


X previously introduced a subscription plan in which users pay $8 per month to access a verified account. The company reportedly is working on three premium subscription tiers with one being completed ad-free. 

Image of X logo.
Maggie Caraway