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Dunkin’ Donuts Angers Customers with Changes to Loyalty Program

Dunkin’ Donuts Angers Customers with Changes to Loyalty Program

Recently, Dunkin’ Donuts made changes to its loyalty program which resulted in the process of collecting and redeeming rewards becoming more expensive. This change upset some customers and has prompted them to vow to visit the chain less and stop using the rewards program. 


Restaurant Dive explained how the changes affect the points system. “The company doubled its points accrual rate from 5 points per dollar spent to 10 points per dollar spent, and added free food options. But it also more than doubled the cost of a small cup of coffee from 200 points to 500. This means rewards members have to spend $50 instead of $40 at Dunkin’ before they can redeem points for a free beverage, translating to a 25% hike in points price.” 


Restaurant Dive was able to speak to a Dunkin’ Donuts loyalty member and customer from New Hampshire, Zach Williams, and he put the point changes into perspective. “Is a free drink really going to be worth that cost like it was before? Dunkin’ has really started to play with [the loyalty program] and consumers started to catch on.” 


Another change, that is important to note, is that Dunkin Donuts removed the free birthday drink feature. Dunkin’ Donuts President, Scott Murphy, did an interview with Yahoo Finance and had this to say about it, “But one thing we did do is while we did take that piece away, what we added is come in either the day before your birthday, the day of your birthday, or the day after, get three times points, points that won’t expire as long as you come a couple of times a year.”


This is yet another change that has Dunkin’ Donuts fans up in arms.

Streetwise IR business news on Dunkin' Donuts (image of Dunkin' Donuts store).
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