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Disney Battles Critics that Claim the Company is Sexualizing Children

Disney Battles Critics that Claim the Company is Sexualizing Children

Right-wing critics have reportedly accused Disney of adding inappropriate sexual content to its programming. Disney’s CEO, Bob Iger, denies these claims.


Florida’s Governor, Ron Desantis, and former Fox News host, Tucker Carlson are among Disney’s critics claiming Disney has added a lot of “sexuality into the programming for young kids” and the company has “a sexual agenda for six-year-old children,” CNN reported.


The state of Florida and Disney have been feuding for a while now. It dates back to last March when Disney executives expressed their displeasure with a Florida law that bars schools from teaching children in kindergarten through third grade about sexual orientation or gender identity. The law was otherwise known as the “Don’t Say Gay” law by critics.


Bob Iger explained to CNBC, “The notion that Disney is in any way sexualizing children is preposterous and inaccurate.” He also emphasized that Disney’s main goal is “to tell wonderful stories and have a positive impact on the world.”

Image of Disney CEO Bob Iger.
Disney CEO Bob Iger. Image courtesy: Nagi Usano
Maggie Caraway