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Customers Can Show Appreciation to Their Delivery Drivers by Telling Alexa to “Thank My Driver”

Customers Can Show Appreciation to Their Delivery Drivers by Telling Alexa to “Thank My Driver”

Amazon has added another task to Alexa’s capabilities. The device can now tip your Amazon delivery driver with just one simple command!


Amazon introduced “Alexa, thank my driver” as a simple and easy way to show appreciation to delivery drivers during the busy holiday season. 


Amazon will be tipping each driver $5 per thank-you received. This driver appreciation project started on Dec. 7 and the company will continue to tip the drivers for the first 1 million thank-you’s received. And, according to Amazon, “the five drivers who receive the most customer “thank-you’s” during the promotional period, will also be rewarded with $10,000 and an additional $10,000 to their charity of choice.”


Customers with an Alexa device such as the Echo, Echo Dot, Alexa App or even the Amazon Shopping app simply have to say “Alexa, thank my driver” and the driver who made the most recent delivery will receive the $5 tip and a notification of the customer’s appreciation. 


When announcing the driver appreciation program, Amazon said in a statement, “We love hearing the countless stories from customers about the many ways delivery drivers make their lives better. We are excited for this new opportunity to thank these everyday heroes and giving our customers the ability to help us do it.” 

Image of Amazon Echo Dot products.
Maggie Caraway