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Cash App Founder Bob Lee Murdered, Tech Industry Mourns

Cash App Founder Bob Lee Murdered, Tech Industry Mourns

Bob Lee, tech entrepreneur and founder of CashApp, was tragically murdered in San Francisco early Tuesday morning in an apparent stabbing attack. According to Fox Business, the attacker has yet to be identified or apprehended.


Friends and former colleagues in the tech industry expressed their condolences including Twitter CEO, Elon Musk. Musk responded to a user acknowledging the crime situation in San Francisco writing, “Very sorry to hear that. Many people I know have been severely assaulted. Violent crime in SF is horrific and even if attackers are caught, they are often released immediately.”


The owner of CashApp’s parent company, Jack Dorsey, also acknowledged Lee’s death on social media. “It’s real. Getting calls. Heartbreaking. Bob was instrumental to Square and Cash App. STL guy.”


The San Francisco Police Department announced that the investigation is still ongoing. According to Fox Business, the stabbing happened at 2:45 a.m. and authorities arrived on the scene shortly after. Lee was rushed to the hospital, but eventually succumbed to his injuries.

Image of Bob Lee, tech entrepreneur and founder of CashApp.
Bob Lee, tech entrepreneur and founder of CashApp. Image courtesy: Scott Beale
Maggie Caraway