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Broadcast and Cable Make Up for Less Than Half of TV Usage

Broadcast and Cable Make Up for Less Than Half of TV Usage

With more people turning to streaming services, broadcast and cable make up for less than half of TV usage for the first time ever.


According to Nielsen’s monthly streaming report, in July, streaming made up nearly 39% of usage, the largest share reported since 2021 when Nielsen first began reporting.


As a result of streaming services growing, major pay-TV providers are rapidly losing customers. “Comcast and Charter lost 543,000 and 200,000 pay-TV subscribers during the second quarter, respectively,” per CNBC.


Additionally, based on data from a report by Tim Nollen, a Macquarie senior media tech analyst, there were 41 million pay-TV households during the second quarter. That number is down from 50 million and 45 million in the same periods in 2021 and 2022.


Although many streaming services including Disney+, Hulu and Netflix have raised the prices of its subscription services, consumers are still paying up.


Streaming services are also increasing advertising which has been driving revenue higher.

Image of hand holding Apple TV remote with tv in background.
Image courtesy: Rawpixel
Maggie Caraway