Walmart Introduces Updates to Mobile App and Website
This week, customers will notice some changes on Walmart’s website and mobile app. The goal of the changes was to make shopping online easier and more engaging, according to Walmart’s chief e-commerce officer, Tom Ward.
Among the changes are bigger and glossier photos, videos and social media-inspired content, CNBC reported. “When you walk into a store, you get inspired and excited by what you see. And so we thought, ‘How do you drive that same inspiration and excitement in our closest store – in our app?’” Ward said.
This week’s changes are the latest upgrades in Walmarts year-long efforts to “transform the core digital experience,” according to Fox Business. The changes are meant to take advantage of the online shopping industry as it has stayed resilient in the microenvironment.
However, recently, the company has seen its sales increasingly come from groceries instead of general merchandise, according to the company’s CFO, John David Rainey.
Walmart does have the advantage of low prices, and paired with the updates to its website and app, it might be exactly what the company needs to encourage more purchases.