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Super Bowl-like Ad Boosts Sales 200% for Last Blockbuster Standing

Super Bowl-like Ad Boosts Sales 200% for Last Blockbuster Standing

Sales for the last remaining Blockbuster, located in Bend, Oregon, have been boosted 200% after releasing a Super Bowl-like ad on social media.


Blockbusters have been around since 1985, but since streaming services like Netflix and Hulu took over, the movie rental company has pretty much become extinct. Except for one location.


Blockbuster manager, Sandi Harding, explained the ad to “Fox & Friends” last week. The decision to place the ad on social media instead of television came down to a lack of funds. “We cannot afford to spend $7 million,” she said.


According to The Bend Bulletin, an Oregon news publication, “The ad, “Until the Bitter End,” was produced by the New York-based ad agency Atlantic, and depicted the Blockbuster as a post-apocalyptic survivor with one customer: a cockroach named Steve.”


Harding claims since the ad was posted, sales have boosted 200% and people are loving the ad’s “nostalgia factor.”


The Bend, Oregon Blockbuster location is taking advantage of the sudden popularity and selling merchandise online.

Image of last remaining Blockbuster storefront in Bend, Oregon.
Maggie Caraway