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Snapchat+ Acquires 4 Million Subscribers in its First Year

Snapchat+ Acquires 4 Million Subscribers in its First Year

This week, Snapchat announced how many paying customers the app brought in this year with its subscription service, Snapchat+. The total amounted to over 4 million.


Snapchat+ offers users premium features including “custom app themes, unique app icons, and the ability to pin your #1 BFF,” the company said in a blog post. It is also advertised as a way to “dive deeper into the parts of the app you used the most.” The subscription costs $3.99 a month.


Snapchat is not the first social media platform to charge users for subscription services. Twitter, for example, “unveiled an $8-per-month subscription service that offered users the once-coveted blue check mark on the platform, as well as additional features such as seeing fewer ads and having their tweets prioritized in replies, mentions and search,” according to CNN.


Facebook and Instagram’s parent company, Meta, also introduced a paid service earlier this year that cost $11.99 monthly.

Image of Snapchat App Snapcode ghost logo on iPhone.
Maggie Caraway