Samuel Adams ‘Remasters’ its Flagship Beer
Samuel Adams has remastered its flagship beer, Boston Lager, and compares its classic taste to “your favorite band you used to play on vinyl.”
Last year, Samuel Adams introduced the company’s first non-alcoholic beer, Just the Haze, which is a New England-style IPA. Now, the company is rolling out the new, remastered product for Spring 2023.
Samuel Adams describes the Remastered Boston Lager as “brighter and easier to drink” and “without changes to the flavor that made you fall in love with craft beer,” according to its website. The company claims it made no changes to the original recipe but accredits the remastered product to brewing improvements.
The process is called biological acidification and Jim Koch, Samuel Adams founder, told Fox News, “”it helps remove some of the polyphenols and harsher compounds you’d otherwise have to filter out … It brews a brighter, smoother, Samuel Adams Boston Lager.”
The Remastered Boston Lager contains 175 calories, is 5% alcohol and contains “the best ingredients on the planet,” malts, hops and yeast, per the company’s website.