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Sales are Skyrocketing of RJ Reynolds’ New Menthol-Free Coolant after California Ban

Sales are Skyrocketing of RJ Reynolds’ New Menthol-Free Coolant after California Ban

Since California outlawed most flavored tobacco, sales of RJ Reynolds’ menthol-free coolant have been soaring.


R.J. Reynolds product complies with the California state ban containing an artificial, flavorless cooling chemical instead of menthol. The ban, which went into effect on Dec. 21, 2022, prohibits in-person stores and vending machines from selling flavored tobacco products and tobacco product flavor enhancers.


RJ Reynolds’ is committed to giving customers a variety of products while adhering to “all applicable laws,” a spokesperson for the company told Fox Business.


“We are transparent about the ingredients in our products and the science around them,” the spokesperson added. The only distinguishable taste or aroma the menthol-free coolant has is tobacco, the company said. 


A national ban on menthol from the Biden administration is expected to take effect soon as large efforts are being made to reduce youth smoking and raise awareness to potential disease and death related to smoking.

Image of RJ Reynolds Tobacco logo.
Maggie Caraway