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Netflix Suffers Livestream Failure

Netflix Suffers Livestream Failure

On Sunday, as fans of Netflix’s reality show Love is Blind anticipated the live reunion of season 4, they were met with disappointment. Netflix announced the event would be delayed by 15 minutes, until ultimately deciding the reunion would be taped for streaming.


When Netflix subscribers clicked on the show to view the livestream, they were met with a screen that said, “It’s almost time! The live event will start soon,” according to CNN.


“To everyone who stayed up late, woke up early, gave up their Sunday afternoon… we are incredibly sorry that the Love is Blind Live Reunion did not turn out as we had planned. We’re filming it now and we’ll have it on Netflix as soon as humanly possible. Again, thank you and sorry,” Netflix tweeted on Sunday night.


The streaming service followed up hours later announcing, “Love Is Blind: The Reunion will be available globally at 12pm PT on April 17. Promise.”


Users expressed their frustrations on twitter with one stating, “This can’t be the same Netflix that keeps raising prices and trying to hold our personal passwords hostage while offering consistently less in quality and quantity, could it?? It CAN’T BE.” This tweet is in reference to rumors of password-sharing guidelines that would limit the account access to one household as well as the increased prices users saw last year for their memberships.


Netflix has only live-streamed one other event, “Chris Rock: Selective Outrage,” which was a success.

Image of Netflix logo on black background.
Maggie Caraway