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Gas Prices are Climbing Again

Gas Prices are Climbing Again

Just as consumers were getting used to cheaper gas prices, costs are now shooting right back up.


U.S. gas prices are now at an eight-month high. The average for regular gas has reached $3.71 per gallon, the highest level since November of last year, according to the American Automobile Association (AAA).


In several states, like Colorado, Arizona and more, the average gas price is $3.80 or above. Additionally, California and Washington are mere cents away from hitting $5 per gallon, AAA reported.


Although the prices are not as high as they were a year ago, consumers are still seeing a steady incline at the pump.


Oil prices are playing a large role in the cost of gas as well as extreme heat in parts of the U.S. which has impacted refineries. These combined issues, plus more, have resulted in gasoline inventories dropping 4% lower than it was last summer, Yahoo Finance reported.

Image of woman pumping petrol at gas station into vehicle.
Maggie Caraway