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Elon Musk Polls Twitter for New CEO

Elon Musk Polls Twitter for New CEO

Elon Musk asked Twitter users in a poll on Sunday if he should “step down as head of Twitter.” He claimed, “I will abide by the results of this poll.”


Based on the results, a new CEO is on the horizon.


Musk acquired the social media company in October in a $44 billion deal. However, Musk claims it was never in his plans to be CEO of the company long-term. According to CNBC, in November, Musk said “I expect to reduce my time at Twitter and find somebody else to run Twitter over time.”


Musk’s poll received 17 million responses and most of them voted for Musk to step down, CNBC reported. Although the poll was informal and vulnerable to bots or inauthentic accounts skewing the results, the answer was clear. 


Despite Musk’s alleged intentions of never being the permanent Twitter CEO, he has claimed that his takeover was a success for the company. CNBC stated, “The “Chief Twit,” as Musk has previously called himself, claims that Twitter usage has reached an all-time high since he took over, and that hate speech impressions have fallen.”

Image of Twitter logo.
Maggie Caraway