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CEO of YouTube Stepping Down After Almost a Decade

CEO of YouTube Stepping Down After Almost a Decade

YouTube CEO, Susan Wojcicki, announced on Thursday that she would be stepping down after leading the world’s largest video site for the last nine years. Chief product officer, Neal Mohan, will replace her.


In a letter to the company’s employees, Wojcicki said, “Today, after nearly 25 years here, I’ve decided to step back from my role as the head of YouTube and start a new chapter focused on my family, health, and personal projects I’m passionate about.”


After Google bought YouTube in 2006, the video site became an important part of the business and for the holding company that houses both of them, Alphabet, according to Vox.


Wojcicki started at Google running marketing, helped build its online ad business, and at one point ran the company’s video service that was trying to compete with YouTube. She ended up arguing that Google should buy the site instead,” Vox reported.


Wojcicki said she will continue to work with YouTube teams, coaching members and meeting with creators, according to CNBC.

Image of former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki.
Susan Wojcicki. Image courtesy: TechCrunch
Maggie Caraway