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ADHD Medication Supply Experiences “Back-to-School” Strain

ADHD Medication Supply Experiences “Back-to-School” Strain

10 months ago, the Food and Drug Administration announced the nationwide shortage of the ADHD medication, Adderall. Now, the strain could potentially worsen during the back-to-school season. 


Supply issues have reportedly let up for some consumers, but many are still struggling to obtain the drug. Erin Fox, a pharmacist at the University of Utah, told CNN, “Unfortunately, we might see the shortage worsen. We are heading into back-to-school time, so I am worried about it worsening as we go into that season.”


Children are commonly affected by ADHD and rely on medication to stay focused and complete tasks in school. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 6 million children have been diagnosed with ADHD and 60% were using medication as treatment in 2016. 

Children and young adults often take the summer off of mediation and start prioritizing it during the school year, per CNN. This could lead to even more demand during the back-to-school season and the months ahead.

Streetwise IR news - Adderal shortage story
Maggie Caraway