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Clorox Faces Cyberattack that Disrupts Company Operations

Clorox Faces Cyberattack that Disrupts Company Operations

Clorox has reportedly faced a cyberattack that has resulted in wide-scale disruption of the company’s operations.


The company reported on Monday that some products are now in a short supply due to the attack impacting production. The company detected unauthorized activity in some of its information technology systems last month, according to a regulatory filing.


Although Clorox quickly took action and now believes the attack has been contained, manufacturing operations have not fully recovered. “The company said it is fulfilling and processing orders manually. The company doesn’t expect to begin the process of returning to normal operations until next week,” CNN reported.


A similar cyber attack also halted operations at MGM Resorts last week. Guests were reportedly unable to make room charges and access their rooms with their digital keys, among other issues.


The resort chain made a statement last week explaining, “We also notified law enforcement and took prompt action to protect our systems and data, including shutting down certain systems. Our investigation is ongoing, and we are working diligently to determine the nature and scope of the matter.”

Image of Clorox logo in packaging.
Maggie Caraway