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Khan Academy Introduces Artificial Intelligence Tutor

Khan Academy Introduces Artificial Intelligence Tutor

Many students and teachers this year will be testing out Khan Academy’s artificial intelligence tutor.


The chatbot, named Khanmigo, “offers individualized guidance to students on math, science and humanities problems; a debate tool with suggested topics like student debt cancellation and AI’s impact on the job market; and a writing tutor that helps the student craft a story, among other features,” per CNN.


The purpose for implementing Khanmigo in class rooms, according to Khan Academy’s Chief Learning Officer, Kristen Decerbo, is to give students the individualized help they need while learning new things. A task a single teacher cannot do on their own.


Many people believe that AI tools do not belong in the classroom due to risks of cheating, but Khan Academy is acknowledging these risks and doing what it can to mitigate them.


Khan Academy is focusing on the “social good” of artificial intelligence tools and the positive impact it can have on learning. The company is also working on an AI learning course that can help teachers understand the full potential of the technology.

Image of Khan Academy logo.
Maggie Caraway