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Student Loan Forgiveness Applications are Now Live

Student Loan Forgiveness Applications are Now Live

We previously reported last week that the Education Department provided a glimpse at the student loan forgiveness application. The form was not yet live and the release date was unknown. Since then, the beta version of the website was opened to the public and student loan recipients were allowed access to complete and submit the form. 


However, according the Yahoo Finance, the applications will not be processed until later this month when the site formally launches. 


Student loan payments and interest will resume in January. Student loan forgiveness applications are open until Dec. 31, 2023, yet encouraged by the White House to be submitted by Nov. 15 to allow processing time.


CNBC reported, President Biden announced on Monday that since the beta version of the website launched, “over 8 million Americans used the website over the weekend to fill out their applications.” He also noted that the website was able to handle the applications “without a glitch or difficulty.”


For more information on how to apply for student loan forgiveness, who is eligible and more, check out this Yahoo Finance article.

Streetwise IR business news on student loan forgiveness (close up image of pen and paperwork).
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