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Tik Tok Bans Political Ads Ahead of Midterm Elections

Tik Tok Bans Political Ads Ahead of Midterm Elections

Politicians will need to find other ways to campaign before the midterm elections as TikTok has now banned political ads. 


Political accounts have lost access to advertising features and monetization services (gift giving, tipping and eCommerce capabilities), reported by The New York Times


Recently, TikTok has announced several steps they are taking to try to civilize and secure its platform.” This announcement comes after online falsehood researchers claimed “TikTok is on its way to becoming a major hub of political misinformation, fueled by the same qualities that make consumer products and dance videos go viral on the platform.


One of these so-called steps to civilize the platform is an “Elections Center” which debuted in August. This is a hub that provides users with information regarding voting from credible sources, available in 45 languages. Posts relating to the midterm elections will now have a link referring users to the “Elections Center.” 


Hopefully, these measures will prevent TikTok from becoming a “major hub of misinformation.”

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